Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Whooooooo!!!!!!!!!! 2.1 in my Product - Tile Project

wow i managed to get a 2.1in to days assesment of the tile project whole 24 week Project! its was split into three parts in 8 week chunks imanaged to get a 65% in first part only 54 in second part and a 62 in my thired part. which totals up and devided by 3 equles 60.3 which is just a 2.1 wikid. makes up for all the crap work which i had to do lol.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Easter Holidays Over :(

The holidays over :(
spent most of it enjoying how much free time i had with out the worry of UNI work.
DIY is what kept me active. ive been fixing things and installing this this holiday which is way better than doing boring TILE making work which they keep setting in University GERRRR!.

I thought we had a maasive deadline on the 24th of april for are Creative Studies which i left this last week to do 16 weeks of work in. LOL so thats why when my sister asked if i wanted to go to Cornwell for the last week of the holidays i had to say no. :(
then the next day after my sister left i recived a text message from a friend say the massive deadline for the 16 week project was for JUNE! what a suprise and dissapointment. i missed out on a holiday for crappy TILE project. GEERRRRRR!.

So thats why i feel i NEEE ANOTHER REAL HOLIDAY!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Man i got a bargain, i better go to boot sales more often! last sunday i had nothing to do so me and my brothers went to the local boot sale, after looking around at a lot of crap, we found a guy selling mp3 players my eyes fixed on a ZEN spining on a turntable as there other mp3 players were crap. I asked how much it was he said he didnt know if it worked or not (proberly stole it) so then i said well then im not paying more then £2 for a paper weight, he started to get panicy as a crowed started going around his table so he let me have it for, £3 pounds thats $5 dollers amazing for somthing that works compleatly fine and looks like new.